Sustainable capacity strengthening is at the core of the Ghana Heart Initiative (GHI). Therefore, the GHI developed a face-to-face training course for doctors, physician assistants and nurses to improve their knowledge and practices related to the prevention, diagnosis and management of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) on the basis of the National Guidelines. More than 4,000 health professionals from health facilities at all levels of care have already been trained through the project. To tackle the growing burden of CVDs in Ghana, however, more health professionals must be reached. For this reason, the GHI is currently developing an interactive tutored e-learning course corresponding to the established face-to-face trainings to facilitate this process and to provide a sustainable training opportunity in Ghana for continuous capacity development of doctors, physician assistants and nurses for the management of CVDs.The course design of the e-learning courses adopts a learner-centered approach and provides different learning paths for medical doctors, physician assistants and nurses as well as joint participation in live online sessions and group work to foster peer-to-peer learning and team building. The e-learning course offers the opportunity that health professionals do not have to leave their health facilities for the time of the training which further reduces the already limited number of staff on duty but can improve their capacity at their own pace and with time flexibility. Health workers who already benefitted from the face-to-face training have the chance to easily refresh their knowledge through the e-learning course and can collect points needed for the regular recertification of their professional license.